Assessment of Heavy Metals in Water, Sediment and Adjacent Soil of a Contaminated Channel in Durgapur Industrial Zone, West Bengal, India

Krishnendu Kumar Pobi, Sumant Nayek, Rajnarayana Saha


The present study assessed heavy metals in water, sediments and adjacent soil of a contaminated channel in Durgapur industrial zone, India. Physicochemical characterization of water showed that pH (7.86-12.39), TSS (113-303 mg L-1), COD (358.6-532.8 mg L-1), Fe (6.11-26.37 mg L-1), Pb (1.54-3.38 mg L-1) and Hg (0.112-1.260 mg L-1) in channel water exceed BIS standard. Mean contcentrations of Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Hg in channel sediment are well above the TEC (threshold effect concentrations). The metal Cf value in channel waters follow the order Hg >Pb> Fe > Cr > Cd > Cu >Mn> Ni. EF and Igeo values of metals in channel sediment follows the order of Hg > Cd > Fe >Pb>Mn> Cr > Ni > Cu. The distribution of heavy metals in the soil profiles are in the order of Fe >Mn> Cr >Pb> Cu > Cd > Ni > Hg. The high EF and Igeo value of Hg in soil even at 50-60cm depth, indicate high mobility and accumulation of Hg which may contaminate ground water. Multivariate statistical appraisals indicate that heavy metal contamination in channel water, sediments and soil are mainly due to the industrial discharges/contribution. The strong positive correlation are observed between EF of heavy metals in channel sediments and surface soil, and also between the EF and Igeo of heavy metals in the deeper layers of soil adjacent to channel .


Heavy Metal Distribution; Wastewater Channel; Pollution Indices; Multivariate Analysis


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