Species Composition, Distribution, Relative Abundance and Habitat Association of Bird Species from Aba Asrat Monastery, East Gojam Zone, Ethiopia

Misganaw Tamrat, Afework Bekele


Species composition, distribution, relative abundance and habitat association of birds of Aba Asrat Monastery were surveyed from July 2011 to March 2012. Sampling sites were stratified based on the vegetation types. Line transects and point counting techniques were applied. A total of 169 bird species of which four Intra- African migrants; six Palearctic migrants; four endemic and two globally endangered species were identified. Both forest and bushland habitats had the highest species diversity index and evenness, 0.97 and 0.89, respectively. The relative abundance score of each species in the different habitats was variable. The mean number of birds was highest in forest habitat during both wet and dry season, 38 and 35.75, respectively, whereas farmland had the least (14) during the dry season. Chi square test showed the presence of significant association (F = 58.20, df = 3, P < 0.01) of birds among the habitat types and between seasons (F = 25.94. df = 1, P < 0.01). The monastery supported varieties of species with a number of endemic, threatened and migrant birds but disturbed by intensive human encroachment.


Aba Asrat Monastery; Abundance; Bird Diversity; Habitat Association; Species Richness


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