Growth performance and invasive attributes of Cassia uniflora Mill., a recently introduced plant in central India.

Vijay Kumar, Pramod Kumar Khare, Mohammad Latif Khan


Biological invasion has been unequivocally identified as one of the great threats to biodiversity loss. A large number of alien invasive species have been introduced in different parts of the world due to a number of anthropogenic activities including trade and transport. Indian flora constitutes 18% of alien plant species which are increasing with time on account of creation of new habitats due to developmental actions.

Cassia uniflora is an alien invasive species reported in south India a few decades ago, is now increasing its populations gradually on road sides and other waste places in western and central India. The present paper deals with study of invasive traits of growth of C. unifloa in experimental plots. Besides the usual measurements of growth, relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (E), mean leaf area (F), root weight ratio RWR) and shoot weight ratio (SWR) were calculated as growth performance traits throughout the growing period. Growth performance of C. uniflora was compared with soybean crop, as both are sharing the same growing season.

Results of the present study show that C. uniflora is a potential invasive plant substituting native flora and could be a potential weed in soybean crop fields. Invasive traits are plastic nature, tolerance to habitat stress conditions, competitive character on account of vigorous growth, allelopathy and other morphhophysiological attributes. Path of migration is also projected from southern to northern states of India.


Cassia uniflora, invasive species, growth performance, biodiversity.



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