Pharmacological Characterization of Daboia russelii Venom and its Neutralization by Polyvalent Chicken Antibodies

S Priya Grace, Ganesh Kumar Anbazhagan


Snake bite is considered as a socio-economic problem in tropical countries.
Daboia russelii (Russell’s viper) is responsible for 30–40% of all snakebites and the most number of life-threatening bites. Antivenom is the only treatment available. Hyperimmune sera raised from horses were shown to produce adverse effects. In this study, chicken Ig Y was generated against the venom of Daboia russelii and its neutralization studies were carried out by in-vitro methods. Antivenom antibodies were generated in chicken and purified by DEAE cellulose column and the antibody titre was estimated in serum and egg yolk by ELISA which showed the increase in titres. Ig Y was subjected to protein estimation, and SDS- PAGE was carried out to study the banding pattern. High molecular weight band 180 KD was observed. Pharmacological characterization like coagulant activity, direct haemolytic assay, indirect haemolytic assay and proteolytic activity was carried out. Minimum coagulant dose was found to be 120 µg. Neutralization studies were carried out using column purified Ig Y antibodies. Current study suggests that Ig Y antivenoms are effective in neutralising the pharmacological activities induced by venom.


Daboia russelii, Neutralisation, Pharmacology, In-vitro assay

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