Biomining of Legacy Waste Dump Sites in India - Overview 

Amit R Thakkar, Nirpendra Semwal, Prasoon Gargava


Solid waste generated in India during 2020-21 was 160038.9 TPD, out of which, 95.4% of waste was collected, 50% of collected waste was treated and 18.4% of collected waste was landfilled. The remaining quantum of about 50655.4 TPD which is 31.65 % of the total waste generated remained un-accounted. The unaccounted waste gets littered haphazardly at many locations in the cities and ultimately dumped in unscientific manner in the sites commonly referred as dump sites. Unscientific and uncontrolled dumping of solid waste in the past several decades has resulted in creation of many dump sites in cities and towns. Earlier, these dump sites existed on the outskirts of the cities but now due to expansion of city limits, these dump sites have become part of the cities. In India, there are 3184 dump sites having estimated 18,56,00,000 MT of legacy waste occupying approximate 15,000 acres’ area of city land.  Dump sites are not only waste of the valuable urban land resources but also has potential of significant adverse impact on health and environment. Hon’ble Prime Minister of India has given remarkable momentum to efforts and initiatives for Swachh Bharat and waste management through the 56th episode of Mann Ki Baat broadcasted on 25.08.2019. Further, directives of Hon’ble National Green Tribunal, technical guidelines and tool kits, efforts of line ministries, state administrative and regulatory boards, urban local bodies have accelerated the momentum with added focus on biomining of legacy waste.  The number of cleared dump sites from 36 in the year 2019 to more than 550 in the year 2022 clearly indicates the impact of cumulative efforts. This paper provides insight on the present status of legacy waste dump sites in India and its management with changes in status during recent years. Biomining technology for remediation of dump site and associated benefits such as land reclamation, recovery of valuables and benefits towards improved health and environmental condition are discussed.


NGT, Municipal Solid Waste, dump site, environment, Swachh Bharat


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