Potential of Biogas Production from Dung Generated at Dairy Farms and Gaushalas in India

Vinay Prabhakar, Gargi Biswas, Yogita Mishra, G Rambabu, S K Gupta


India is the largest milk producer and a leading producer of bovine dung in the world. During 2021-22, there were estimated 25 lakh animals in Dairy farms and Gaushalas generating dung of 35,000 tonnes/day (TPD). The dung generated from Dairy farms and Gaushalas has the potential to generate biogas a renewable source of energy and address environmental issues such as improper disposal or dumping of dung, greenhouse gas emission, and odour nuisance. The estimated biogas production from dung generated at Dairy farms and Gaushalas is 1.4 million cubic meter per day (Mm3/day). The Hon’ble Prime Minister, in his Mann Ki Baat address Episode 41 aired on 25 February, 2018, highlighted the need and benefits of conversion of waste to energy especially bovine dung to biogas. CPCB formulated “Guidelines for Environmental Management of Dairy farms and Gaushalas”, 2021 which guides management of environmental issues in Dairy farms and Gaushalas in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas. It also suggests methods for utilization of animal dung such as biogas production, compressed biogas (CBG) production, etc.  Pollution potential of CBG plants was assessed by CPCB and was classified under orange, green and white categories. Further, household CBG plant using cow dung was classified under the white category to promote the utilization of bovine dung in rural area. In India, as on March, 2023, a total 58 CBG plants have been commissioned and about 9,019 tonnes of CBG have been produced. This paper collates and presents state-wise and area-wise potential of biogas production from dung and role of individuals and stakeholders in promoting waste to energy with a commitment to implement the vision of the Hon’ble Prime Minister widely.


Biogas, Renewable Energy, Dairy farm, Gaushala, Dung, CBG


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