SWOT Analysis of Solid Waste Management through Waste to Energy Conversion in India

Arvind K Jha, B V Kavitha, Prasoon Gargava


Any developmental activity clubbed with population growth and improvement in quality of life is bound to generate various kinds of waste like municipal solid waste, hazardous waste, construction and demolition waste, biomedical waste, electronic waste, agricultural waste, etc. The sustainability of global village embedded in proper waste management to nullify piling up and causing environmental stress and health threat. Municipal solid waste generation is directly proportional to population growth and lifestyle advancements.  India being a fast-developing country with high population growth has critical challenge of municipal waste management. The issue is well recognized. Hon’ble Prime Minister raised this very important issue of waste management in the 56th episode of Mann Ki Baat and appealed to Indian nationals to proactively engage for appropriate disposal of all accumulated waste including plastic. This has sensitized all strata of society and positive impacts are now visible. In the year 2021, Waste to Energy (WtE) plants (Incineration Technology) were operational for about 85,000 MT of waste annually to generate about 47,800 MW electricity. It is inferred that major challenge faced by the operators of WtE is calorific value of waste which is rooted in source segregation as WtE is dominated by incineration technology. Other challenge is social myths and poor environmental management practice. A SWOT analysis is carried out and set of findings are presented to strengthen WtE as it has potential to achieve zero waste cities. Present article assessed the impact of Mann Ki Baat on end of pipe treatment activities for MSW in India with special emphasis on WtE to strengthen the solid waste management in India.


Mann Ki Baat, Municipal Solid Waste, Waste to Energy, Incineration of waste, SWOT Analysis


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