Assessment of Resource Use Impact on Vegetation in Dry and Moist Tropical Forests in Satpura Conservation Area, India

Azra Musavi


The impact of anthropogenic activities on vegetation structure was studied in dry and moist deciduous forests of Melghat Tiger Reserve and Bori Wildlife Sanctuary. Forests in both protected areas were classified into disturbed and undisturbed areas in terms of grazing, lopping, cutting etc. Vegetation in both protected areas was quantified by laying transects. 4 radial transects in 3 villages of Bori Wildlife Sanctuary were established in 4 directions and tree species composition was quantified in 10 m radius circular plots. Seedlings and ground cover were assessed in 5 random quadrats of 50x50 cm each within 10 m circular plots. The vegetation in Melghat Tiger Reserve was analysed around villages where socio-economic surveys were carried out. Tree species were quantified in 10 m circular plot established at 200 m intervals along line transects. Seedlings and ground cover were assessed in 5 random quadrats of 50x50 cm plots. Disturbance factors were quantified in both protected areas using ordinal scale of 0 to 3 scale. Data were analysed to calculate IVI, species richness, diversity, evenness and mean disturbance scores in each category of forests. Tectona grandis was most dominant species in three areas with Terminalia tomentosa being next most important species in both DF1 and DF2 (19.53 and 30.26 respectively) and Ougenia oogeinensis (25.25) in the undisturbed forest (UF). The overall densities of trees in the different forests did not show significant difference. Tree species diversity was higher for the undisturbed forest. The density of plants in recruitment and shrub (GBH <30 cm) class was high in disturbed forests. While grazing pressure was highest in Melghat, cutting and lopping pressures were highest in disturbed forests of Bori Wildlife Sanctuary


Bori Wildlife Sanctuary, Melghat Tiger Reserve, Tree density, Disturbance scores, Grazing


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