Seasonal Activity of Anuran Species and Their Pattern of Vocalization in Piauí, Brazil

Mauro Sérgio Cruz Souza Lima, Jonas Pederassi, Islaiane Costa Silva, Mayra Caroliny Oliveira Santos, Patrícia Santos Souza, Diogo Brunno Santos Barbosa


Although Brazil encompasses one of the highest rates of anuran diversity, the knowledge about the group in the Northern portions of the country is still limited, especially in the State of Piauí, which is geographically located in a remarkable area of Cerrado and Caatinga ecotone. In this study we analyzed the ecology of anurans, seasonality of species, and their seasonal patterns of vocalization in relation to abiotic factors in the southern portion of the State of Piauí. The pattern of activity for each species was established using the function y=sen(ωx) and the main abiotic factor influencing the abundance of species was tested for correlation using Spearman and t test. Nineteen species from six families were observed, and from this total Dendropsophus nanus, Hypsiboas raniceps, Scinax ruber, Physalaemus cuvieri, Leptodactylus vastus and Leptodactylus fuscus were monitored throughout the sampling period. Despite the similarity in species occurrence observed in the present study with others performed in different parts of the country, the remarkable aspects of the study site highlights the need of further researches aiming the increasing of knowledge on the biology of the anuran community from this area.


Advertisement Call, Amphibia, Call Activity, Courtship, Brazilian Savannah, Caatinga.


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