Spatio-temporal Variations in the Distribution Pattern of Key Molluscs in a Rocky Intertidal Habitat Along South Saurashtra Coastline of Gujarat

Bhavik Vakani, Paresh Poriya, Rahul Kundu


We studied the distribution  and population ecology of seven gastropod molluscs in the intertidal areas of Veraval coast off Arabian Sea, Gujarat, India. About three km long rocky intertidal at Veraval was divided into two sampling sites. A total of 38 molluscan species belonging to four different classes, including two species of Bivalvia, one species of Cephalopoda, 32 species of Gastropoda and one species of Polyplacophora were recorded. Seven dominant gastropod species were studied for their spatio-temporal distribution. Cellana  karachiensis was dominant in the spray zone, Siphonaria sp. and Cerithium  scabridum  dominated the upper zone while middle and lower zones were dominated by Turbo coronatus and Onchidium verruculatum respectively. Significant spatio-temporal variations in the population were observed at both the sites. Population abundance and frequency were high in the upper littoral but low in the lower littoral zone during the study period.


Assemblage; Intertidal Zone; Gastropods; Population Dynamics; Rocky Shore; Saurashtra Coast; Vertical Zones


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