Assessment of Agri-Environment in Garhwal Himalayas of India for Sustainable Productivity

Ritu Nagdev, S. K. Mahapatra, R. P. Yadav


The agri-environment of Satpuli watershed in Garhwal Himalayan region of Uttarakhand state in India was assessed using remote sensing and GIS techniques. The study reveals that soil development depends mainly on landforms and parent materials. Seven landforms and ten types of soils (P1 to P10) have been identified. P1, P2 and P6 soils are developed on quartzite parent material whereas, P3 to P5 and P7 to P9 soils on sandstone and P10 soils on colluviums/alluvium, respectively. P1 and P2 soils occur on steep hill tops whereas P4 soils on very steep side slopes and are shallow (< 50 cm depth), coarse textured with strong gravelliness and susceptible to very severe erosion and droughtiness. They are evaluated as land capability (LC) subclass IV sew. P3 and P5 soils occur on steep hill tops and side slopes, respectively and are moderately shallow, coarse sandy loam to loam in texture, susceptible to severe erosion and are categorized under LC subclass IV esw. P6 and P7 soils occur on moderately steep side slopes and are moderately deep, gravelly sandy loam, susceptible to severe erosion and are rated as LC subclass IVes. P8 and P9 soils occur on moderately sloping side slopes and are rated as LC subclass IIIes. P10 soils occur on gently sloping valleys and are evaluated as LC subclass IIIe. Since the watershed area is highly prone to soil erosion, proper soil and water conservation practices must be adopted to arrest further erosion, to maintain soil health and for environmentally sustainable productivity. P1 to P5 soils are not suitable for cultivation but can be utilised for pasture and forestry development besides agroforestry and horticultural plantations whereas, P6 to P10 soils can be cultivated for agricultural crops with suitable integrated nutrient management practices for higher productivity.


auri Garhwal; Watershed; Landform; Land Evaluation; Land Capability Class and Subclass


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