Species Diversity and Host Specificity of Epiphytic Lichens: A Case Study in Two Forest Stands of Central India

Satya -, D. K. Upreti, P. K. Tandon


This paper describes the species diversity and host specificity of epiphytic lichens in two forest stands of Central India. The Amarkantak Hills supported 96 species, belonging to 30 genera and 18 families, from 18 sites, while the Achanakmar Wildlife Sanctuary supported 24 species, belonging to 14 genera and 11 families form 6 sites. In Amarkantak Hills with high altitudes and a heterogenous, moist climate is responsible for higher alpha and beta diversity, while the deciduous forests in the Achanakmar Wildlife Sanctuary generally have a lower altitude and a drier climate which limit the lichen growth. Both forests exhibit luxuriant growth of crustose lichens: the Amarkantak Hills Forest area has 59.79% crustose, 38.14% foliose and 2.06% leprose species, while the Achanakmar Wildlife Sanctuary has 83% crustose, by 12.5% leprose and 4.16% foliose species. Comparison of species richness showed that the bark of Shorea robusta supports the highest lichen diversity among all the phorophytes in both forest stands. Most lichen communities have a wide range of host preference, while few individual species were host specific. Climatic factors, such as moist and dry condition, together with pH, substrate texture, and forest types appear to be responsible for host specificity and luxuriant growth of lichens.


Epiphytic Lichens; Host Specificity; Species Diversity; Forests; Climatic Factors; Vegetation; India


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