Status and distribution of Mallotus nudiflorus (L.) Kulju & Welzen a secondary indicator species in riparian forest ecosystem of a north bank tributary of river Brahmaputra in Northeast India
The present study pertains to the status and distribution of a disturbance indicator species Mallotus nudiflorus (L.) Kulju & Welzen in the riparian forests of Pagladia river, Assam, a major North bank tributary of the mighty Brahmaputra river in North East India. The study was based on extensive field surveys in the riparian forests of the study area. The riparian forests along the Pagladia river were categorized on the basis of its width categories viz. 0-30 m, 31-60 m, 61-90 m and 91-200 m. A line transect of 100 m was laid at each site for assessing the various disturbance factor. Three sites were surveyed for each width category and disturbance scores assigned to each site by ranking them as 0 = absent, 1 = rare, 2 = occasional and 3 = frequent levels of disturbances. Disturbance indicator value was also calculated by using standard formula. Vegetation status was assessed following quadrat method and analyzed for different quantitative parameters. A total of 14 prominent disturbances were identified in the present study which influenced the vegetation structure of the riparian forests. High value of disturbance score (29) was recorded for 31-60 m width category in the middle built up plain zones of Pagladia river, while comparatively low value of disturbance score (8) was recorded for less disturbed riparian forest patches (91-200 m width) near the foothills of Bhutan Himalaya from where the river originated. In-depth analysis of vegetation data showed that Mallotus nudiflorus (L.) Kulju & Welzen was the most dominant species of riparian forest of the study area with an importance value index (IVI) 39.40. The occurrence of Mallotus species was closely related to the level of disturbance in the riparian forests. A positive correlation was observed between the Disturbance Indicator Value (DIV) of Mallotus nudiflorus (L.) Kulju & Welzen and disturbance scores recorded in the riparian forests of Pagladia river, Assam.
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